Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Not Fair!

As I have mentioned, my sister is serving her mission in New York. She left the MTC last monday. She sent out an email telling everyone about her first week there. All I have to say is that I am jealous. First she has one baptism she is preparing for and 3 more that are close. I spent my mission and all I got was one and I felt like he was not ready for it, but my companion pushed it. I know a mission is not about how many baptisms you get, but it still hurts a little. Second and this is the one that really hurts. Her mission president has asked her to learn spanish. That is not fair. I have wanted to learn spanish my whole life. I have even taken classes and have not had much luck with them. So when I went on my mission I had hope to go spanish speaking; nope I went english. Then when I got to the field my mission president wanted me to learn spanish. I got excited, but it didn't last. After six weeks, he sent back to english and made me promise I would not read/study spanish anymore for the rest of my mission. Don't get me wrong, I am happy for my "twin" because she wants to learn spanish just like I do (it is in our blood/who we are). Good luck Amy and may God bless you with the ability to learn quickly and remember always.