Wednesday, September 22, 2010

So many thoughts and so many feelings are running through me. I don't know what to do. I want to run to her and try and have things back the way they were. Back when we both loved each other without question. We were always there for each other and always together. Was our relationship perfect, not at all. But it was real. I know she loved me and she was willing to do anything for me, just like I was for her. We made it through a lot of hard times together because we could lean on each other.
She was not just a fling she was the woman I loved, the woman I love. She is also my best friend. I was able to tell her anything and I know she would not judge me or love me less. She was my Angel Eyes.
I know what everyone is telling me, "Get over her, move on with your life, you two are not good for each other, etc.." But I don't care what others say. I know how I feel about her. I know who she is. And I am here to say that I love her and will always love her forever and ever and then some come what may.
Yeah you may think I am foolish and stupid for holding on, but I say I am wise. I will wait for her, because a woman like that does not come into your life often. She is worth waiting for. "A girl like you is impossible to find."

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