Friday, September 25, 2009

The beauty of the West

As I was walking through school, I decided to go to the second floor and outside. That way I could look around better. I looked out to the west and I saw Utah Lake, and the mountains. I began to think. Everything starts in the east. The sun rises and starts the day and the moon rises and starts the night. So if everything starts in the east does that mean it all ends in the west? That is my new idea. We are told that the Savior will come from the east, to start His reign. That was the first and main thought that help me realize the west equals the end. I could be wrong on that, but to me it makes sense. I have to admit that I stood there and stared out to the west for almost an hour, just thinking of everything. I always did like the west, because I loved watching the sunset on a cool night. The way the sun would slowly go away and the way the clouds would change colors. Just how it would feel like it was all saying the day is over. Or how the moon would slowly disapear as the sun rises from the east and ends the night and starts a new day. Bringing forth light and hope with it. Some people may love the east and the fact that there is hope in starting something new, but as for me right now, my heart is towards the west.

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